After some of the discussion going on in the Ausdroid Forums, we’ve found that getting hands on the HTC Desire from Telstra is becoming harder & harder by the day.

Furthermore I’ve received word that Telstra Shops have been sent an email stating that there is a World Wide Shortage on the Desire. And for those of you not sure why, production of the Desire is taking longer due to the lack of AMOLED Displays available from Samsung. To fix the problem HTC are looking to use SLCD (Super LCD) Displays from Sony.

So if you’re after a Desire, don’t be surprised if you’re put on a waiting list.

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Don’t really understand what is so hard about upgrading these phones.. mobile companies have paid engineers to do this kind of work but a bunch of unpaid individuals in the spare time can release faster @ XDA. They should be factoring the cost of upgrades into the price of the handset – sell a million handsets and chuck an extra $1 onto the price and boom.. how many engineers does that buy? Considering a lot of the devices share the same hardware.

SK Yuvraj

Hang in there @Ragflan I was like that when I first bought my NexusONE. Only reason not to buy one is no secondary camera for network or SIP client 2 way video calls. Fring now supports this for Skype and MSN Messenger.


Man I hate HTC now. I just read their notice that are expecting to roll out Froyo by Christmas. HTC should stop manufacturing new phones and start supporting the ones they already have. Hero received 2.1 AFTER Froyo came out. Looks like Desire will receive 2.2 AFTER Gingerbread comes out.

I should’ve waited and bought Samsung.


desire is expecting the froyo update in the next few weeks, not christmas.


Why would htc bother modifying an existing line when they can simply start pushing newer stuff.
I reckon Telstra are just trying to finish off their stock before going to a new flagship like the Galaxy S.
This way the rumour mill is diverted and buyers continue to purchase desires.


On a numerous note, the Google ad displayed for this post is for ‘dodo’ broadband. An extinct bird… ok well I thought it was worth a chuckle


Did you mean humerous?