Tomorrow will see the Dell Streak hit stores, or at least Optus’s online store, tomorrow on their $59 cap which is great value. So I’m wondering who might be getting one, interested to see if there any readers who don’t mind a device a little larger than most, but can pass off as a tablet also.

I’m also guessing Dell will be gauging to see if the Streak sells well enough, that they may launch the newer 7″ Tablet (which is set to be announced for Europe in the next few weeks) here as well. Time will tell.

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Ordered mine today. Optus desperately need to improve advertising. Their own staff do not know about it.


Went to Optus to try one out, they didn’t seem to have heard of it. Someone went out the back, came back in and said they’d been ordered on Monday, hadn’t arrived yet, come back next week. Bit discouraging, might wait for Samsung Galaxy Tab after all.


After getting stung by the Motorolla DEXT, won’t get anything now unless it has 2.1 minimum.

Waiting on the Millennius SmartQ review of a tablet device at a great price. Pluses 7inch running 2.1 and priced at $299 AUD mongers no inbuilt 3G and 600Mhz. For that price, hard to go wrong.


Meh, it’s ain’t for me.

While it is a nice phone and Dell is a good manufacturer, my heart is set on that HTC Desire Z at the moment.

Even as a tablet device, there is no appeal for me. I reckon that if you have a smart phone and a laptop, what the point of a tablet?


Not me.
Got a nice Android phone, now just waiting for a good tablet


I’m gonna grab one: Wanted one since it was only a rumour… I bought a desire a while ago to shore up until it came out, but i can’t wait to get my hands on the monster device!! 5″ = win imo 😀 won’t need to get a tablet, will make pdfs, email and the web great, and can still squeeze in the pocket… also all apps will run on it (the only up-side the the low resolution screen) 😀 2.1’s out in the UK and US, and although buggy will surely get released here soon… I know a lot… Read more »


Hope Dell won’t “backflip” on OZ users like Motorola..


Disappointing, was really psyched for this when it was announced but at this stage I cant even consider buying a device with anything below 2.2.

Was very pleased to discover that the accessory port used on this is not some crazy proprietary connector dreamed up by dell, but is actually a ANSI compliant standard, PDMI.

The Galaxy tab also uses a PDMI port so accessories should be able to be used interchangeably between these devices. Which is good as I’ll probably end up picking up the Tab instead.


Interested in large screen for better browsing and eBook reading etc. Needs to be on 2.2 and I’ll probably try to buy upfront.


Curious, but I’m more interested in something with a bigger screen


Even though its 1.6 (I hope there will be an update) still on $59 cap sounds better than HTC Aria on $49 cap..

Max Rockatanksy

I just don’t see the point. It’s too small to be a tablet, and it’s too big to be a phone. Silly.


I’ll certainly have a play with it when I wander in there tomoz. Actually, might see if I can get a sneak peek today.


Im going to have a look at one tomorrow to see if it can pass as a phone. I’ve wanted to update my G1 for a looooong time.

Kavierer Loopjers

I guess if you like the Streak but not the idea of using it as a tile attached to your ear, you might be able to just use a bluetooth handsfree to answer and receive calls while it sits in a pocket or your hand while you are using it.

A r i

I’m interested to just come into the store and have feel of the device, then wait for Desire HD to come out to really compare the two.

1.6 on the Streak is a pain but I’m quite confident that the devs will find a way to get 2.2 on it. The guys at modaco confirmed that there are two devs working on getting CM6 on the Streak.

hmmm.. decisions decisions..


Android 1.6. Pass.


i agree, 1.6 is way too out dated now. it should of never been released with it and if it absolutely had too 2.1 should been out in weeks/months not this huge wait for dell to get it on 2.x this phone was announced late last year and its taken almost a full year for release! I wanted this to replace my nexus1 but its tardy release (even via import)and there are build issues with it as well. i might wait for streak2 if they get it right next time. also were is the nextg version? more phone makers need… Read more »