Vodafone have just kindly pointed out via their Twitter account that the HTC Desire HD will hit all Vodafone stores from this Friday (5th of November). The 4.3″ monster will no doubt create a stir in stores and will be ripped from the shelves by eager smartphone buyers, so get in quick, whilst it’s still on the $59 cap.

So who here didn’t place a pre-order? *raises hand*

Source: Vodafone.
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Vodafone store in major mall in Brisbane has no stock delivered, and no idea when they’re getting it.

Seems the tail isn’t talking to the head at Vodafone.


so it on 59 cap on voda
how much do you think it will be on 3?


Umm.. just a wild guess, but probably on the same price plan?

Other thoughts are: $0 on $69 cap, or maybe $10 or $15 on $49 cap.


I have also called a few stores and they are all telling me that they dont know when they will be getting it. Seems like they have no clue… I WANT ONEEEEEEE


Hi All
We have received stock of the HTC Desire HD early which means it will be available from tomorrow, 5th November which is still being communicated through all our teams at the moment. All pre orders have been sent out and you should expect your devices tomorrow and if now ordering online, there will be a two week period for fulfilment.
However we can confirm that Vodafone and 3 stores will be stocking the device from tomorrow.


Thanks for the news Dave, but seriously, how hard is it to keep your staff up-to-date? they’d just have to check their own companies twitter account to know more than they do! Product knowledge is such a basic requirement for retail staff that just lacks these days. Particularly at phone shops.


Hi Dave

That’s goods news, but why hasn’t the Order Tracking been updated?

Mine has not been updated since the order was processed last Friday.

Anything you can do to have the system improved in that area?


Zoe from Vodafone who deals with us demanding people on facebook said the team in charge of distribution has assured her it will be in stock tomorrow!!


HTC Desire HD preorders have been shipped and you should expect your devices tomorrow

Above is from Vodafone Twitter. So what is true????


So they not coming on 3? 🙁


they are! eventually……


This is the media release from 3’s web site: MEDIA ALERT: HTC Desire HD will launch exclusively through Vodafone and 3 Wednesday, September 15, 2010 in News Following HTC’s global announcement in London, VHA announces today that the HTC Desire HD will launch exclusively through Vodafone and 3. Pricing and availability will be announced closer to the launch date. Ross Parker, General Manager of Devices and Pricing said: “VHA is excited to be the exclusive carrier for the HTC Desire HD, an outstanding and stylish Android device that brings further strength to our current Android range. We look forward to… Read more »


I hope so, my plan end on Jan so still have plenty of time


I transfered from 3 to vodafone. It is interesting to note that if you read the fine print on the ad Vodafone put out for its pre orders (the same ad that was post here a few weeks ago) point 1 in that fine print says also available to 3 customers. But when I contacted 3 they said they were getting it but had no dates as of yet. I had a flashback to the Legend debacle and switched companies instead of waiting for them to think about it for the next 6 months.

Jeni Skunk

You can order them from the Three website now 🙂


Righto. Just got off the ‘phone from the Order follow ups at Vodarort, and they advise there is no stock yet available from their distribution point, nor do they know anything about the stock being in stores tomorrow. As far as they have been informed, store stock is still at least 2 weeks away. They are expecting stock to hit the warehouse any day and all pre-orders WILL be fulfilled before any stock is sent to stores.

It seems the Tweet might have been a case of someone getting a bit over-excited.


Just called up a few random stores, all are telling me last week of November/first week December.

This company should really pick it’s f**king act up and have consistent information across the board.


I went to Tuggerah Vodafone before I pre ordered online to talk to them about changing from 3 to Voda. The blonde chick there told me that the DHD was soley with Optus??? WTF??? I asked here then why is it on your website for pre order, why did vodafone have a launch party and why is it on the front page of the latest catalogue?? She shrugged and told me that the HTC rep told her it was an optus exclusive. I walked out and wondered how I can have more of an idea of the goings on inside… Read more »

Gopal Dhas

i preordered with voda, but my credit check was rejected for some inexplicable reason. probably a blessing in disguise by the sounds of it, especially because i ordered online from a retailer in sydney on tuesday, and it’s arrived today! haven’t had a chance to play with it yet so hopefully it’s all sweet and there’s no dodginess to be had.

The Z is in stock (to buy outright) from the UK:


Last I heard about the Z was if it does come to Australia it wont be until well into the New Year.


Any word on the Desire Z?


I pre ordered!!! Think it might arrive Monday…if we are lucky?

I am secretly hoping it will arrive Friday seeing as it is being couriered. And if it is in store Friday, that means they must already have stock sitting in a warehouse no doubt. But I think thats just living in a fantasy land really.


“We’re unable to answer your call as our call centre is currently experiencing higher than normal call volumes” (Gee, I wonder why? Could there be a horde of pissed off Vodarort customers trying to find out when their ‘phone will be delivered?)
“Try using our self-help web site” (which shows no updates to my order since last Friday…grrrrrrr)


I was told by staff at the Voda store at Rouse Hill last weekend that they’d been told they wouldn’t have stock to sell until 25th November!

WTF, Vodarort?!

Where’s my ‘phone I pre-ordered last week?

*rings 1300 number to abuse the operator*


What… so you mean in-store gets more priority?
WTH did I place a pre-order..this is more bullshit from Voda


So I placed a preorder… Does this mean I still have to wait 2 weeks like it said at the start while others get it before me????


so they might not have enough stock to fill pre-orders? that seems a bit rich. to save me the pain of actually visiting a shop and dealing with useless staff i really don’t mind waiting an extra day or 2 though… just better not be a week or 2!