In their latest blog post, Notion Ink hinted at a launch of Android 2.3, or Gingerbread, happening on the 6th of December in the US. This equates to a really early launch tomorrow morning for us Aussies. There has been no confirmation, or rather any information, from the Big G, though there is a NFC (Near Field Communication) conference happening on the 7th, which wouldn’t be much of a conference without a smartphone (ala Nexus S) now would it?

6th December is another big day for Android and you will find out how fast Notion Ink can work. (Eden is extremely compatible with 2.3) – Notion Ink CEO

We’re eagerly awaiting any news or tidbits to come out of Google and will update you as soon as anything happens.

Source: Notion Ink.
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I see that NotionInk are now offering pre-orders to people that have in the past commented on their blog posts…that’s worrying as NotionInk had previously indicated to developers that signed up for the EAP that they would get access to the Adam before the rest of the world (EAP = Early Access Program). I’ll be very happy when the tab comes out to anyone, but considering the similarity in design between NotionInk’s weather app and the weather app I developed and submitted as part of EAP registration I’m starting to think the EAP was a bit of bollocks that’s helped… Read more »


whats going on guys your missing the biggest Android news since january
