You may know Millennius as the online retailer who brought us the Apanda A60 and SmartQ Tablet, now the next-gen monarch are launching an all new Android phone within a few weeks. There are currently no available pictures of the devices, though we’ve been assured there will be soon, but there are specs and a price tag!

  • Android 2.1 (2.2 in 2011)
  • 3G (unknown bands)
  • 4.3″ Capacitive TFT LCD Display (800*480)
  • 512MB Flash / 256MB SDRAM
  • 5MP rear camera / VGA front-facing camera
  • WiFi b/g
  • GPS
  • 3D Operating Interface (sounds interesting)

All this for around $399, which is a beauty of a price, which will bring some great competition to the low-priced Huawei devices that will hit the market early next year.

Source: Millennius.
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    I think 2.1 is good for now.. and 1.6 is no 2.1…

    i can wait until next year feb, march its a couple of months away.

    I dont think its a big deal anyway.


    Millennius should sell a generic Android Tegra 2 tablet with GPS, rather selling Android phones. Everybody wants a branded Android Phones. No decent and affordable 10″ and 7″ Android Tablet with GPS in the Australian Market right now.


    Android 2.1 is the new Android 1.6.
    No phone should be launching with it.
    Even with the better specs the Huawei will perform better with 2.2/


    thanks @skooter that is what i was saying. I really dont care about what version comes out as long as it is 2.1 and above. Updates will happen and they say they will. Also I dont have android now but would love it and I would like to experience 2.1 and then 2.2 then 2.3 to see the difference and appreciate the upgrades and also to have some comments on each version.. All you guys want 2.3 or 2.2 and some of you guys probably havnt even played with 2.1 It is still android and you can do alot of… Read more »


    NP. Feel free to rep me up ;D


    huawei is looking better, launching with froyo.


    @Harry are you saying 2.2 is not stable? If so, what in particular are you finding unstable about it?


    What he’s saying is that it isn’t automatically stable for each handset – the software has to be tailored to the hardware, and put through fairly exhaustive testing regimes (which are then tailored to regions and carriers) to make sure it is stable.


    well when 2.2 is available 512mb wont matter, you will be able to save apps on the sd card.


    I would definitely consider this if it had 512mb ram. The price is quite reasonable otherwise.


    AMAZING… 4.3″ for my fat fingers.
    Front cam for some **** video calls, Great Price.

    Can’t Wait, go Millennius


    same here


    Yeah, good news about the front cam. Looks like the Hauwei handsets don’t have that so this is a plus for the Millennius.

    I don’t have an Android (yet!) but I know that you can’t install apps on removable memory cards until vsn 2.2. The Millennius has 512MB Flash / 256MB SDRAM – which of these is the one that you have to install apps on until vsn 2.2 comes along?


    “Android 2.1 (2.2 in 2011)”

    Does anyone actual believe it when Manufacturers say this any more? Honestly, 2.2 was released on 20 May 2010 (almost 7 months ago). Why wouldn’t it be on the phone at launch if they were going to install it?



    Paul, Maybe they are trying to release the phone with a stable version of Android which is for now 2.1… If you know anything about OS to change around to make suit to phones it is takes time to make the OS stable and to get it right for what ever device. So sticking up for them, by saying 2011 and some other news ive read elsewhere and there website with early Feb, March for 2.2 upgrades to everyone.. So it really doesnt matter, you will end up with 2.2 And dont forget… Xmas period, January, everyone goes on holidays.… Read more »


    Still, gingerbread will be well out by then………. I want gingerbread.