It’s quite clear that Sony Ericsson has a problem with leaking devices well before they launch, whether it be controlled or not. This time it’s the illusive X10 Mini Pro2 getting benchmarked, and it kind of kicks some butt. As you can see in the image above, it surpasses the Nexus One running Android 2.2. Those of you who have used a Nexus One running 2.2 will know that’s quite fast. This speed isn’t all that much of a surprise given that the X10 Mini Pro2 is powered by a 1GHz CPU that only has to power a tiny screen (320×480).

If SE can make their software not suck, they might be onto something.

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I would not trust SE with any thing they come up with now, I use to love their handsets but after trying the x10 mini pro which in truth is a pile of crap thanks to them pulling the plug on updates, I bought it for the compact size and qwerty keyboard and screen resolution wasn’t an issue for me as I mainly email and text and don’t really play games or take photos on handsets, I have a dslr for that. I for one am going back to HTC as I think SE have just started to sink their… Read more »


You already have shit phones, and the fact that this has a HVGA screen is really pathetic. In a day and age where we’re moving up to thinks like QHD, HVGA is not acceptable IMO.


things* 🙁


you know not EVERY phone is high end? some people just enjoy the touch experience, it doesnt have to be THE BEST resolution, and come on, the screen is only 3 inches. its fucking fine.


so us normal x10 mini pro users will have ‘shit’ phones D:


It’s to be expected from a low res screen with that CPU