This is what we like to hear, updates and lots of them and they’re coming… soonish. Vodafone announced via their Blog that they’re currently in possession of the Android 2.3 updates for the Samsung Galaxy S, Samsung Galaxy Tab, HTC Desire Z and HTC Desire HD. Now let’s not get ahead of ourselves, as Voda is only testing the updates to make sure they don’t melt devices or start thermonuclear wars (CM fans will get that reference). The updates will begin to roll out in the coming weeks to months, yes months. At least it’s comforting knowing you have an update coming and that you haven’t been left behind just yet. I’d also quickly like to point out how hilarious it is that the Galaxy Tab is only getting Gingerbread at the present time, if there was any justice in the world Samsung would surely bump it up to Honeycomb. Oh well.

Source: Vodafone Blog.
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Your move Optus.


Maybe the Galaxy Tab’s specs aren’t high enough to perform smoothly with Honeycomb? Not sure.

Either way, I’m surprised that Samsung are even releasing 2.3 on the tab. I assumed it would have just been left in the dust. Good to hear it gets an update though.


what about if you’ve bought your phone outright? there should be an OTA update soon if the carriers have it right?

Buzz Moody

Yep 🙂


then just root it and flash it manually


What about the nexus one?


Yeah! what about Nexus One update!!!!!!!

Sean Hatton

Can I dream that Gingerbread will rollout to the HTC Legend…?


I pinged @Optus yesterday & so far they haven’t responded…


Fingers crossed for optus