It’s all round bad news again for the Xperia Arc. Delayed now a second time, Optus are now advising that the end of May at the earliest, is when it’s likely to hit stores. That’s got to be a major set back for Sony Ericsson. This brings the Arc into the Galaxy S 2 and Optimus 3D launch timeframe. Not that the 3D should stun Arc sales but the Galaxy S 2, might just throw a spanner in the already late handset’s works. Let’s hope the Arc gets here sooner rather then later, so people can enjoy the awesomeness that is the Xperia Arc

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I went to an Optus store over the weekend. And asked about the Xperia Arc and whether they had any new information on when they would stock the Arc. They couldn’t give me anything concrete about it, and just said, “A few weeks.” Interesting as I also asked them about the Xperia Play and they said they didn’t have any information on it yet, despite being listed on the Optus website (and other sources). However I’m heading into another Optus shop sometime soon so it’ll be interested to know if I hear any different. It’s also interesting – on the… Read more »

Adam Winter123456

this phone could not dial 000, this is the reason for the delay


I saw one on the bus yesterday. Odd


A week ago I had my heart set on this phone, but after being a victim of Sony’s hack attack and now this delay I will definitely be getting an Incredible S instead.


Sony and Sony Ericsson after 2 different companies…. In saying that, what do you have to say for those who hacked the sony systems in the first place? When things like this happen, people tend to forget the ones who actually committed the crime… Even with very tight security, theres a risk of any system being hacked!

Anywho, remember many of SE’s components were being produced in the region where the japanese earthquake hit. Sure it happened a little while ago, but the affects have only started to kick in very recently, once their first supplies started to run dry!


only bcoz its a sony ericsson arc, if not.. definitely i have chosen another phone rather that waiting to this one..


Sigh. This is getting annoying


The Arc is still pegged as a designer phone so I don’t think that it is necessarily competing directly with the Galaxy S II anyway. Not that Optus does a great job of advertising its important phones though…