Without any fanfare or announcements it seems the Amazon Appstore is now available to Australians without the need for proxies, VPNs or dodgy overseas addresses. To install the Amazon Appstore on your phone and start taking advantage of the famous ‘Free App of the Day’, head on over to the Get Started page. You will also need to set up an Amazon account, but feel free to use your Australian address and Australian credit card. You may note there is a large notice reading “The Amazon Appstore is only available to customers located in the United States”, you can ignore that for the time being, I tried to install this myself and it worked fine.

EDIT: And looks like it is region locked to the US again, it was fun while it lasted.

Source: Amazon.
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    Brendan Barton

    dam it, wish id seen this sooner. ive been waiting on plants vs zombies to come to the android market for 4 months now. So much for 2 weeks exclusive


    Hum seems you can no longer download stuff from the amazon app store now. Was ok yesterday but now it says its not available in your region. Lucky I bought some of the amazon app store exclusive stuff I wanted yesterday


    Installs and lets you register addresses and credit cards but then says not available in your region when you try to install a free app


    Am getting message that Amazon AppStore is not yet available in your region ? I can purchase Kindle ebooks fine…

    Edwin Robertson

    Excellent! Does that mean the Amazon (Android) tablet is due out soon internationally…..

    Mallardious Monk

    Just bear in mind that when you grab a free app from the Amazon App Store, the developer is not getting paid.  If you really like something, it may not hurt to buy a copy later — most of these things are pretty cheap.


    This is very true….. The dev isn’t being paid.

    If your going to buy an app. Use the goggle market. As it has better feedback options for debug crashes that the devs like.

    Pkus you know it’s going to be around for a while. Amazon could at any point pull the plug without warning!


    NICE!!! now I can get a free app everyday ahaha and can finally get some stuff that is amazon app store exclusive.

    prasun shakya

    great …its working and already got my free app.