Australians not only like to travel around the world, but we also live in a highly integrated multi-cultural society which exposes us to a diverse range of languages sometimes on a daily basis. Overnight, Google has updated their Google Translate Android application conversation mode function to now support 14 more languages.

Starting initially this year with English/Spanish translations, the app now supports 14 languages in total after adding :

  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Czech
  • Dutch
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Mandarin Chinese
  • Polish
  • Russian
  • Turkish

Conversation mode offers the ability to translate speech in real time from your Android device. All you have to do is load the Google Translate app, select the language then hit the microphone and say what you want translated, the app then translates and reads it back in the language you selected. It can then translate the response from the person you`re speaking with. I love this, it`s an excellent feature and I think it will work quite well, can`t wait to try it out in real time.

Google Video for Google Translate :

You can download the app for your Android device from the market here.

Source: Google Blog.