Need For Speed Shift is one i`ve been eyeing off for a while, but there are a couple of other good ones including Shazam for those who prefer it over Soundhound which was offered on the first day :

  • Paper Camera
  • is also still available from the first day if you happened to miss out on that. Go grab them all, or some, up to you entirely.

    Source: Android Market.
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      No Need For Speed when checking on my SGSII >__<


      Day 1 had a great selection…last 3 days have been average. Day 4 has nothing I want…too many crappy games…too many crappy “Tower Defense” type games ..give us more useful apps please!


      Don’t seem to have Need For Speed Shift on mine 🙁


      Neither did I but I got it by clicking the link above


      just buy which ones you want, ones you got your android go to the app market and download it, you will get the paid version, and if there is a problem, oh well its only 10 cents 🙂

      Christopher Hey

      I’m getting my first Android next week. Is there a way to take advantage of these deals before I get it?

      Daniel Tyson

      Setup your Gmail account and associate a CC with Google Wallet and just purchase away, quite frankly all the apps so far are worth 10c so grab them all!!