Love it or hate it, we’re going to start seeing more of the Galaxy Nexus in the media and all around the place when Samsung is expected to begin its advertising campaign in the next week or so. In a document sent to us by a trusted source, it states — in regards to marketing — that “Samsung will begin their campaign mid January 2012.” If you’re not currently aware of what the date.. their campaign should begin next week.

We’ve not heard any official word from Samsung or the carriers, so we’re not 100% sure how it will play out. What we do know is that we’ll be happy to see pictures of the Galaxy Nexus on billboards and ads playing on prime-time television.

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Love this phone, its just to big, for those that are interested i have one with telstra and can be unlocked for sale around $550

🙂 i wish it was smaller..
[email protected]


I  hope this means less iPhone ads.


What do people have against this phone?


Really strange, are Samsung hoping to just raise interest in their lacklustre phone, or go head to head with the Carriers?


lack lustre- i know a lot of people with this phone and dont know of any who think it is lack lustre…i have one and am running a custom rom and custom kernel and this phone is awesome…ics is fantastic.   Several of the ausdroid staff have them and they all love them- Geoff, Matt and Daniel.   it is your opinion and you are entitled to it but those who actually have the phone more often than not love it…. or did i just fall for the troll?  😀 As for up against the carriers- i doubt it- its… Read more »


i still prefer my galaxy s ii, it’s far superior in a lot of ways. i too am running ics.


Well if you’re on an SGSII, you’re not running ICS smoothly, that’s for damn sure. KP8, KPA etc are all flooded with bugs, FC’s, random retards. It’s not even worth flashing on the phone.

SGN has a better screen and better OS. The two most important aspects to a phone. Yeah, I’d take the the SGN any day.And LOL touchwiz…… go ahead and enjoy that.


To be honest a 5MP camera doesn’t interest me.


Also it would have been good if they future proofed the phone a bit and gave it 4G support in Australia. My main gripe with the phone is that it’s “just ok” and that for a flagship phone is disappointing. A dual core 1.5 should have been put in it as well as least an 8MP camera, get rid of the horrible shudder it has and give it auto focus. And why not Super Amoled Plus?  And why no expandable memory? Just seems that for a flagship phone they could have done heaps more, that’s just IMO anyway…. Not trolling,… Read more »


– No phone in Australia has 4G support, so why are you picking on the Galaxy Nexus expecting it to have it? – The GN is not a flagship device and was never touted to be one. The Galaxy S line is Samsung’s flagship, genius. – Wow, you’re bright. A dual core 1.5Ghz will be SO much of an improvement over a dual core 1.2Ghz *rolls eyes*. 0 Shutter lag, time-lapse video and still shots during video > higher megapixel camera.  – What does it matter? At the ppi of the GN, you’re not going to notice the pentile matrix… Read more »


WRONG!!! I now have XXLP2 which is absolutely perfect. 

Oh and the phone might not be flagship for Samsung, but it is for Google, genius!


Yeah LP2 is ‘absolutely perfect’ which is why every LP2 rom on XDA on all accounts aren’t ready for daily use and people still reporting bugs, FC’s, restarts and incompatibility. Oh but let me guess, you have some magical LP2 rom that’s 100% perfect, I’m sure, lol. Months from now when they *finally* have a completely stable stock ICS rom for the SGSII, they won’t be getting updates as fast as the Nexus and have to wait for Samsung to move their ass and release a new build, which of course will be buggy and have to be ironed out again… Read more »


Oh and because you couldn’t figure this out, I’ll lay it out for you: Google don’t make phones, they make software. Ice Cream Sandwich is Google’s “flagship”, not the phone. Samsung’s “flagship” is the Galaxy S II line until the Galaxy S III line comes out.


Now I just have stock LP2 with KP8 CF Kernel. It’s perfectly fine. But now that the Galaxy S II HD LTE has been announced,at Mobicity I’m jumping ship!  1.5Ghz, 8MP cam, 4.65″ 720p SUPER AMOLED screen, expandable memory.. what else could you want? Oh and 4G 🙂 Which DOES work already with a Telstra SIM in Australia. 🙂 Have fun.


I saw one in an Optus store the other day, I noticed it had Google Music on it. How are you going to use Google Music if Australians don’t have access?


easy to have access- proxy in and get an account.  I stream my music at the gym every day.


is there a good proxy that people are more fond of? most of the ones i google appear to be a bit ‘spammy’, and I don’t really want to enter my google details into a page run by a proxy (for all I know it’s just showing a pretend google login page)


1. change your Google password to something temporary
2. log in and register through the proxy
3. change your password back to what it used to be


yeh, but which proxy? there are some obvious duds out there. personally i have two step verification anyway.. 

i suppose all i’m looking for is a reliable proxy server i can use for short term use that is free and isn’t a scam. 

Toby Munro

If you want a free and nasty fix use Hotspot Shield. If you want to be safe, then buy one. They are only $5 a month… (unblock-us)

Aaron De Vries

yep unblockus does the trick for me, under 5 bucks a month to access uk and usa geoblocked sites (and more) …google music streams for me without a proxy on the phone (both wifi and mobile data) now that I have an account

Damon Lewis

Maybe they should have done this a month ago? Google has a lot to improve about their product launch (mainly worldwide shortly after they announce it).


And that particular product as well!