If you own a device running Android 4.0 “Ice Cream Sandwich” you’ll notice that yu can’t set the volume of notifications and calls independently.. that’s where Aussie developer Brian Hislop steps in with ICS Enhanced Ringer Control. The app overrides the default sound settings and allows you to independently set volume levels for calls and notifications. Obviously it’s developed just for Ice Cream Sandwich, so don’t start complaining about it not working on older versions of Android. If you own a Galaxy Nexus or have a device running a hacked ROM, check it out and support an Aussie developer.

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    Milty C

    Thanks for the post Buzz.This is why i follow Ausdroid !

    This has been a major issue for ICS from day one and hardly anyone in the blogosphere has even mentioned it. Unfortunately i seem to be the only one who cant get this new app too work. But the developer has been very helpful though and he is helping me to try and fix it. Its rated 5 stars by every reviewer on the android market to date so i encourage everyone with a galaxy nexus to give it a go.


    Purchased! You know I didn’t even realise my Audio Manager Pro didn’t do it either!! Thanks for the heads up!


    Great work!