Virgin Mobile has just tweeted an update on the availability of the HTC One X via their twitter page, it will be available from the 2nd of April. There has been no change made to the product page we originally linked to so the One X should be launching on for $0 on Fair Go $59 cap.

This Quad-Core phone seems to be generating a lot of interest out there and Australia seems to be one of the initial launch markets for the phone. Rest assured we`ll be trying to lay our hands on one of these as soon as possible for review. So seeing that Virgin is owned by Optus it would seem logical that they would be announcing their pricing and availability for this phone quite soon.

Source: VirginMobileAus Twitter.
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after comparing pricing between virgin and optus ill be diffinatly going virgin this time around.

The topless aka timeless plan that virgin offer is vastly superior to optus

$89 vs $99 and virgin also give you $89 credit to oversear calls and text whereas optus on there $99 plan give you zero.

Perfect for my call usage pattern
