Android “hacker” extraordinaire, Chainfire, has already rooted the Samsung Galaxy S III, and it hasn’t even launched yet. Chainfire said he couldn’t release the insecure kernel he has that will allow root access, as it might be traced back to the helpful leaker. However, he did say that any serious developer could achieve the same thing in around 10 minutes if they followed the instructions he gave on XDA. So by the time the Galaxy S III actually launches, root access will no doubt be readily available for everyone.

As usual credit where credit is due for Samsung; they’ve made all their previous flagship devices easily unlockable, and the Galaxy S III doesn’t stray from that path. Maybe HTC should take note, it might stop people getting angry about S-ON on the HTC One X(L).

Source: XDA-Devs.
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You’re welcome Buzz 🙂


and this is why i would definitely buy this over the OneX. The fact that Samsung continually make it easier for us to mod the phone… HTC SHOULD take note- it certainly doesn’t seem to be hurting Samsung’s bottom line and if its a carrier thing to lock them down why do samsung not have to do it… Interesting Samsung have gone to having a separate recovery partition when they have never done that … nice of them actually- this is another example of them making it easier for us… oh and they are also now using the standard boot… Read more »