One of our regular and proven to be reliable sources has dropped me some info a short time ago that Optus are ready to launch the 10.1″ Galaxy Tab 2 on the 18th of June including this screenshot showing the device on their internal sales system. Stock is due to the Optus warehouse tomorrow (14th June) and being distributed to stores on the 15th of June.

With plans (+ repayment on device) starting at $39.95 per month for a 2GB per month data plan the pricing seems quite reasonable too as long as you don’t mind being captured into contract by carriers for a 2 year plan. If you’re an existing Optus customer you can take advantage of their bundling to get a $10 a month discount on the device repayment.

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Called a few stores this morning about this…no one has any idea bout them…

Phil Tann

Just got the media release, it’s out now.

Garth Wilson

The naming is so confusing, it’s just a minor update? What happened to the one with the stylus like the note phone?


That is the galaxy note 10.1
It is coming later and should be much better than this one. I’m looking forward to the Asus/nexus7 inch tab

Dean Reading

Maybe they’ll finally update the first tab 10.1 to ICS now?
A man can dream…


I agree with other posts, this tablet is such a disappointment. I like the IR blaster feature but it isn’t enough to win me over. Quad core is the standard and I highly suggest unless you want to get a budget tablet, don’t buy this. Holding my breath for the Nexus Tablet – even that has almost been confirmed to have a quad core processor.


Don’t do it. By all accounts this tab is only as good as its predecessor with ICS on top. Having said predecessor I must warn you that you will be disappointed

Phil Tann

I’ve not tested a Gtab 2 yet.
When I do, I’ll make a judgement on this! ๐Ÿ™‚


Even if you are not an Optus customer just sign up for the $5 a month mobile to bundle and be $5 a month better off.


Hi, Do you know whether it will come shipped with ICS?

Phil Tann

AFAIK – Yes, GTab 2 are shipping with ICS

James Cranston

this is the quad core revised one, correct?

Dylan Xavier

Incorrect. the tab 10.1 2 is still a dual core. infact very little has changed other than having ICS pre installed and speakers on the front. makes me wonder why they even bother

James Cranston

yeah, that’s why i was asking, no point in upgrading. I heard they refreshed it… or was that only the Galaxy Note 10.1?