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Sony is bringing their Android-powered Google TV setup to Australia, and it launches here next week. Sony are only planning to launch their standalone Internet Player with Google TV (NSZ-GS7) which also comes with a nifty remote that has a touchpad and keyboard on different sides. At launch the Internet Player will only come bundled with two of Sony’s high-end televisions: the HX750 and HX850 Bravia TVs, however, Sony are expected to sell it on its lonesome in the near future.

Google TV runs a modified version of Android 3.0 (ughh..) but will no doubt see updates to Android 4.0 as the platform gets some traction. Whether the particular Google TV box Sony are planning to sell will be updated seems unlikely, but then again, Google TV hasn’t been around long enough to judge updates just yet.

There’s obviously no outright pricing yet, but if you’re bundling it with one of Sony’s new TVs you’ll be forking over $349.

Sony NSZ-GS7..

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Google TV..

Personally I’ll be waiting for this to be sold outright then I’ll possibly buy one depending on reviews and user feedback. How about you guys?

Source: Brisbane TimesSony (X).
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I have bought lots of Sony products over the years (computer / mobiles / TV / PS3 / etc), but I can’t see why anyone would buy this, (unless it is packaged ‘free’ with a TV of course), aside from a handful of loyal Sony followers. For example you can buy a fully Android 4.0 TV stick for under $100, like: http://www.asiapads.com/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=&products_id=2246 Kogan even has their own one, I believe. All you need to add is a standard wifi/bluetooth mouse / keyboard or a remote (similar to the one Sony is going to offer) ~$30-50; then you have a full… Read more »


Do not see the point of Google TV. Maybe because I already have an iMac connected to my TV and have already access to many TVs around the world using a VPN…


That screenshot of the Android app seems to represent everything that it wrong with the platform. Once they build in a proper AirPlay rival I think this could be good because it is one of the stumbling blocks I have with going to an Android tablet at the moment. I have an Android phone, but I use an iPad because I can push stuff to the AppleTV. Once Google crack that I think it will be time to buy. Having said that, having apps might remove that need , particularly if it is embraced here with an ABC iView app… Read more »


where did you hear next week launch?? im reading elsewhere 22 July. i would love it to be next week but are you sure??


hmmm read the press release…it is only bundled with new tvs DAMN!! i want now!! but i have a new tv already


Looks pretty cool. Will seriously consider it if I get enough cash together.

Evan Whiteside

I couldn’t see an icon for Google Movies. Sounds good if that worked.


Right, so the value when bundled with a new tv is $349.

If they try and sell it at that price individually, they’re nuts.

Daniel Tyson

Just trying to convinve the wife to buy a new TV lol