Whilst we freeze down here in Australia it seems the US is experiencing the joys of a very warm summer and the latest victim of the heat is also the newest addition to the Google Family of Android statues at Building 44 at Mountain View, the Jelly Bean statue apparently heated up so much yesterday that his head popped off, not only that but a passerby has stolen one of the Jelly Beans!

Dan Morrill one of the Google Engineers took to Google+ to show a photo of the poor fella with the head back on, although taped off and surrounded by witches hats, he advised that the statues designer has been contacted and is working on a ‘bug’ fix right now. He’s also asked for people not to steal their Jelly Beans. I gotta say that if I was walking past when this occurred I would be mighty tempted to pilfer one of those delicious looking beans.

Source: Dan Morrill Google+.
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    Greg Lamb

    Heating up and popping off……. Sounds like my SGSII running ICS


    must be someone from Apple, then sue Google for stealing their ideas