The latest Vodafone Software update blog has a listing that should excite Motorola Xoom owners, they will finally receive their long awaited update to Ice Cream Sandwich on the 30th of July. Xoom owners have been waiting patiently since Ice Cream Sandwich was announced back in October last year and then when Motorola advised the udpate would be coming last month on June 21st much rejoicing was heard however the udpate was pulled.

The Xoom is considered not quite a Nexus device but certainly a ‘Reference’ device for the Honeycomb release of Android and early adopters of the tablet certainly haven’t seen much love from Google or Motorola so hopefully this time around the update can proceed smoothly on July 30. Optus has the Ice Cream Sandwich listed as Late July so hopefully they will see the update at the same time but we will have to wait for an update to their software page. Make sure you let us know in the comments on July 30 if you receive your update.

Source: Vodafone Blog.
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Susan Martin

Motorola should be put out of business, absolute second rate, and even thats too high, 2nd rate customer service, and support. Why won’t Motorola Australia tell WiFi only owners why they can’t update, no carriers involved so no second or third party needs to test anything
AND WHY ON THEIR WEBSITE FACEBOOK PAGE ARE THEY SO RUDE AS TO NOT ANSWER CUSTOMERS QUESTIONS RE THIS SUBJECT, all they do is put stupid competitions on the site, several of which we know that associates of staff members have won!!!!!!


This while Xoom owners in the US are expecting Jelly Bean. Motorola Aussie needs to work harder.


I got the update on my XOOM wifi 2 days ago. Ice cream 4.0.4
feels good.


And still no ICS for the wifi zoom. Piss poor Motorola Australia…


it is disgusting that that wifi one was not updated as soon as the US go their update…. we have no ties to any carriers but have to wait for some sort of approval….. Motorola Australia needs to lift their game bad…..


Have you checked for updates? I did this afternoon and it’s there!

mike d

Holy crap it is there…. did I miss the announcement or have moto au just gone silent re the xoom?