It caused a bit of a stir a few days ago when a Product Manager at Sony UK advised via a Facebook Q&A that the Xperia Arc S and the Xperia Mini Pro would not be getting an upgrade to Jelly Bean, now Sony has back-pedalled advising on their Mobile product blog that their local spokesperson gave information out in error in regards to a Jelly Bean upgrade for phones from their 2011 Xperia range and they are still investigating the upgrade.

Hello everyone,
A quick note – during a Q&A session last week on our Sony Mobile GB Facebook page, a local spokesperson gave information out in error on our Android 4.1 Jelly Bean software development and rollout for 2011 Xperia smartphones.
We are actively investigating Android OS upgrades for all devices, but in the meantime, our Ice Cream Sandwich rollout for Xperia S and 2011 Xperia smartphones continues as planned.
As always, feel free to drop a question below and keep your eyes fixed on the blog, as we’ll be bringing you more on our Ice Cream Sandwich rollout for Xperia P and other 2012 Xperia smartphones over the next couple of weeks.

This is getting a little silly, I know Sony wants to keep everyone focused on the positive aspect which is them upgrading their 2011 handsets (minus the Xperia Play) to Ice Cream Sandwich but they really need to get some sort of word out on the status of an upgrade for their devices to Jelly Bean. If Sony turns around in a few months and again confirms these models won’t get Jelly Bean then this would be pretty disheartening for their existing customers, guess we’ll just have to see how this plays out.

Source: Sony Mobile Blog.