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Pocket, the app formerly known as Read It Later, which the Ausdroid guys got me onto not long ago, has had an update, and it’s sweet as.

For those that don’t know it already, Pocket provides a nifty way to store things to read later, when you don’t have time to read them now. It works on Android, iOS, and via a web app, and allows you to save virtually anything to your Pocket, so you can read it when you have time. Personally, I use Pocket to archive Ausdroid’s posts so I can catch up later, and when I see interesting things in the news I might save them so I can have something to read on the train home.

However, if you’re like me, after a day in the office your eyes might be a little tired, and it might be nice to have someone read to you. Instead of asking a fellow commuter politely to read to you (which has mixed results at best), you could download the new version of Pocket for Android (market link) and enjoy the new ‘Listen’ feature.

Listen uses Android’s built-in text to speech engine to read your articles to you. It’s a cinch to use — open your article, and press listen. From there, the app will read your news to you, and you can adjust the volume, speed and voice that it uses. Even better, it supports languages other than English.

Besides this headline update, a few other fixes and updates are included in Pocket 4.2, including improved animations, minor tweaks and a couple of other minor, new features.

For those on iOS (like me, sometimes) this feature isn’t coming any time soon, so enjoy it on Android and brag to your iOS-using friends about how they can’t join in.

Source: Pocket on the Play StorePocket on the Play Store.
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    might have to check this out… would be swell if i could then add the Pocket items to my queue in PocketCasts, podcast ends and a website article starts.