We saw that last night the HTC One X+ was announced over in the UK. HTC Australia had nothing to say at this time regarding an Australian release of the HTC One X+ when we asked about it today. The One X+ did appear on the HTC Australia webpage however briefly as it has now been removed.

What was also removed was the above image which appeared as a banner showing a picture of a device labelled the HTC One XL+, when I clicked the link it linked to the aforementioned removed page for the HTC One X+. Now if current naming trends for the One series continue the One XL+ would be an LTE version of the HTC One X+. The HTC One X+ was announced last night as having 3G HSPA bands whilst the US market would get an LTE enabled version but no further details were given. Could we see a HTC Australia event coming up with a HTC One X+ and an LTE enabled OneXL+ announced on carriers soon?

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since the htc one xl has a snapdragon s4 dual core processor, will the htc xl+ come with the quad core s4 pro processor with the adreno 320gpu….??


The new Tegra AP33?? chip is meant to have LTE which would eliminate the need for a seperate model again?
Unless the difference being the same hardware but with different LTE bands?..

Daniel Tyson

According to Nvidia the LTE enabled Tegra 3 won’t be ready until at least next year, so I guess it depends on when the XL+ actually gets released.

David Anderton

Why don’t you guys do any article about HTC cancelling the Incredible S update?????? Its pretty damn important!

Graham Bae

We’re waiting on an official response from Virgin Mobile about the update, and you should see something by tomorrow.

David Anderton

thanks Graham


I own an unlocked Incredible S and it was updated with ICS a month ago.. My advice Is, don’t update cos it’s now super slow, buggy and laggy! I wish I am still on gingerbread

David Anderton

yeh but i really want chrome and my incredible is already incredably buggy


I am in! How (and when) would you like me to pay?


XL+ for future proofing. I want this phone.


Not that I’m going to get it, still with a year to run on my Galaxy Nexus contract, but surely there’ll be a quad-core Nexus around the corner? HTC felt the need to update the One X with the One X+ to catch up to Samsung, who obviously already lead the way with the SGS3. If a Nexus is announced in the next few months, it’ll already be late to the quad-core party (although still wildly popular). Or hopefully, it’ll be early to the next line of things manufacturers are obsessed with, similar to how the Galaxy Nexus was the… Read more »