If you’ve ever actually used it then you know the Facebook App for Android sucks. Mark Zuckerberg apparenly knows it too and was making staff at Facebook use the app to highlight the fact. Now Engadget are reporting that they have received a tip from an anonymous source within the company advising that a native Android app is in the final stages of testing. The Facebook mobile team are lead by ex-Googler Erick Tseng so they should be able to get something pretty decent together. Hopefully this means a release is not too far away.

Source: Engadget.
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Alexei Watson

For the love of god, contact sync.


I get asked to sync my contacts with facebook already..?

Alexei Watson

Yeah, but does it actually work? Since ice cream sandwich the contact sync doesn’t work, Google changed the API and Facebook never updated.

Greg Smith

Praise Jebus!


Praise Je to Besus!
I think that is the correct version of the quote… Marjoe, 1972


Disappointed this news didn’t come with an APK leak! I doubt it will have much of a Holo influence given its Messenger app doesn’t, but it’d be nice if they took it on board.

Aaron Hoffmeister

Yes please!