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Looks like if you want some news on the phone rumoured to be the Nexus 4 you should move to Belarus, for the second time our newest information regarding the LG E960 has come out of the Eastern European nation. Tech site Online.br have managed to get their hands on the E960 and have taken some quite decent shots of the phone as you can see.
[nggallery id=155]
There aren’t any further details to add to what has already been found out about the E960 in terms of specifications, their phone has a 4.7″ screen running at 1280×768, a Quad-core Qualcomm processor running at 1.5 GHz, 2 GB of RAM, 8 GB of internal storage, 8MP Camera. They’ve promised a detailed review of the device will be forthcoming so we’ll certainly be interested to see what they have to say

Source: Engadgetonline.br.
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I really don’t like LG as a manufacturer…. :/ would much rather Sony or Motorola have a go at making a Nexus!


No microSD. Is there NFC even? I’m gutted by this, who the hell let LG through their hat in the ring?! I really either Samsung, Sony or HTC have a go too cause this isn’t doing it for me (even if the CPU and 2Gb RAM sound rather tasty).


Apart from a performance increase… this is starting to feel like a down grade from my Galaxy Nexus. No curve in the glass, less storage, headphone jack on top. Hope this all turns out to be fake or the other 3 are making their own. I simply won’t ditch my AMOLED.

Sam Cook

The only part of it which would be a deal breaker for me is the onboard storage without MicroSD availability.

I know cloud storage is on the rise, and that in America data allowances are a lot more generous than what we have in Australia – but for many of us; it just isn’t an option


headphone jack on top?

Daniel Tyson

Yeah, I am disappoint

Luke Wiwatowski

Personal preference I guess but I’ve always preferred the jack on the bottom. Better for the pocket.