Zagat is a restaurant rating service that was purchased by Google back in 2011 and integrated into Google services including Google+ Local and Google Maps recently. Overnight Google has released a standalone app for Android so foodies can now rate, review and even make reservations at restaurants around you.

The down side is that like a lot of Google services on initial launch only available to people in the US. I queried the Social Media team at Google about when we would see the app down under and they advised they were looking into it and should hopefully not be too far away :

The app has been optimised for both 7″ and 10″ tablets and is compatible with Android 2.2 and above, size wise you’re looking at 8.5MB to download.The app is linked to your Google+ account so when it finally does arrive down under you’ll need to have an account so you may want to sign up for a Google+ account now in preparation. You can view the entry in the Google Play Store and hopefully it won’t be too long till we’re reviewing restaurants here.

Source: Google Play.