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Apart from the fact that at times finding stock of the Nexus 7 at retailers in Australia can be difficult, the only indication that we’ve had from either Google or Asus in regards to sales figures regarding the Nexus 7 has been confirmation from Asus that they were selling out of every shipment of the Nexus 7 imported into Australia within 2 weeks. Now Asustek CFO David Chang has been quoted by the Wall Street Journal giving some slightly more solid sales figures :

At the beginning, it was, for instance, 500K units a month, then maybe 600, 700K. This latest month, it was close to 1 million.

Given that the Nexus 7 only started shipping mid-way through July those figures give us a sales total of around 3 Million devices sold so far. That’s a pretty good effort so far and after the recent upgrade to storage and the imminent release of the Nexus 7 3G models those figures could climb even higher.

Source: EngadgetWSJ.
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Nick Bryant

And yet Fairfax Media still can’t make “The Age” app compatible. How’s that digital transformation going Greg Hywood?