Pixel - Intel - GoodGuys

With Google looking to bring Chromebooks to Australia, it appears The Good Guys are willing to try and beat them to the punch, with the Chromebook Pixel no less.

This morning, The Good Guys held an “Ask Intel” event on Facebook and Twitter, so I took the opportunity to ask them and their Intel rep, Dion about possible availability of the Chromebook Pixel (which packs an Intel Core i5 processor) in Australia. Surprisingly, Dion advised that the Chromebook Pixel will be available in Australia in April. The Good Guys team was then able to advise that they expect it to be in their stores then as well.


The Good Guys weren’t to confirm precise details – we don’t know exactly when, how much, or whether they’ll stock the Wifi or LTE models. We’ll be following up with them to see what other information they can supply in the lead-up to their launch – you’ll read it here as soon as we know.

Would you prefer to buy a Chromebook Pixel from a local supplier instead of importing it? Will you wait until April for it? Let us know in the comments!