Introducing the Samsung Galaxy S4

Two of the major carriers in the United States – T-Mobile and Sprint – have had to push back their release dates for the Galaxy S 4 due to supply shortages. T-Mobile were to begin taking online orders today, but have delayed this until Monday, while Sprint are still taking orders on Saturday as planned, but the phone will not be available in stores, and it is giving no estimate of shipping dates. AT&T and Verizon, the country’s two largest carriers, appear to be unaffected, so it’s likely that Samsung has shifted stock allocations to the larger carriers to better deal with demand.

According to Samsung, demand for their latest flagship has been overwhelming, and they should have sufficient inventory in the ‘coming weeks’. We haven’t heard anything about shortages for Australian carriers, so customers looking to pick up a Galaxy S 4 on Saturday should be able to find one in their mobile store of choice.

Source: LA Times.
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there will be no stock on launch day and voda is expecting the stock to arrive at peoples doors in upto 4 days while white is upto 2 weeks :S