Game Stick

When you think of crowd-funded, Android-powered games consoles, Gamestick may not be the first one to spring to mind, but their Kickstarter campaign still raised over $647,000 earlier this year, well above their goal of $100,000. Rather than going the traditional home console-style route of the Ouya, Gamestick have opted for a much smaller and more portable design.

Originally due to be shipped in April, the Gamestick was delayed until June. Now that we’re two thirds of the way through June, the developers have come out and announced that the console will again be delayed, this time until August.

In a post on their Kickstarter page, the Gamestick devs went into great detail about where the project is at currently. The main reason given for the delay is that they are waiting for user feedback on the UI. As part of the $300 backer option, 50 users are given the opportunity to beta test the UI, and provide feedback that will be incorporated into the final version. Given that these beta units have been late in going out to the testers, the whole process has been pushed back.

Gamestick controller

In happier news, the update also announced that manufacturing tooling has been completed, and the first controllers have started rolling off production lines. The android-based games console market might be new, but there are new devices popping up all the time with consoles such as the Ouya, GamePop and Project M.O.J.O. from Mad Catz all vying for the coveted space in your entertainment unit. The Gamestick might be a slightly different product, given its portability, but it remains to be seen whether they will make a splash in the market.

Does the Gamestick interest you? How do you think it will fare in the Android-powered games console market? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Kickstarter.
Via: engadget.