At the Google event yesterday morning there were a number of videos shown, the first of which is the main one. Google has made the event live for all to see so you can watch the full announcement of the Nexus 7, Android 4.3 and all its new features, Google Play Gaming and Google Textbooks and of course Chromecast.

There were a number of other videos released at or straight after the event, so sit back relax and see what they have.

First up is the Nexus 7(2013), so far has two videos available, the first of which is the Google Nexus 7: Fear Less but they have also included a video demo of the Fraunhofer powered Virtual Surround sound that comes with the Nexus 7.

Google Nexus 7: Fear Less

Nexus 7 featuring Virtual surround sound from Fraunhofer

Next up are two developer videos which go into depth on two new Android 4.3 features – Multi User Restricted Profiles and the Bluetooth Low Energy API. All the videos are below so check them out and see what you think.

DevBytes: Restricted Profiles in Android 4.3

DevBytes: Bluetooth Low Energy API in Android 4.3

Finally is Chromecast, the first video is the commercial used in the announcement and followed by three commercials for Chromecast.

Chromecast: For Bigger Fun

Chromecast: For Bigger Escapes

Chromecast: For Bigger Joyrides

Chromecast: For Bigger Meltdowns

Is Google getting better at making videos promoting their products?

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David Anderton

what I wanna know is with comcast if I have a video file(lets say an AVI) on my laptop can I stream it to my TV or does it have to be from netflicks/youtube?