Gear Manager
If wearable computing in the form of Smartwatches is something you’re keen to check out, then the Galaxy Gear which is due to be launched in about a week is something you’ll be keeping a close eye on. Today EVLeaks has leaked a screenshot of the Samsung Gear Manager App which seems to be the hub for all settings on your Galaxy Gear.

Using NFC you’ll tap your phone to the Gear and it will then pair the watch to your phone through Bluetooth. At this stage it’s unclear whether it will use the BLE protocol that Samsung have baked into their ‘Nature Inspired’ version of Android or rely on an earlier, less power friendly Bluetooth protocol in a bid to appeal to a wider range of phones on the market, but given the app has ‘Samsung Apps’ it’s possible that it could be compatible with Galaxy devices only – Yay, locked in Eco-system.

The Samsung Galaxy Gear is due to be Unpacked live on the Samsung Mobile Youtube page along with the Galaxy Note 3, next week at 3am September 5th Australian Eastern Time, will you be watching?

Source: EVLeaks.
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Sean Royce

I can’t wait for this and the Galaxy Note III. Just might be my new daily driver.

Sujay Vilash

Does anyone know if this watch will be Samsung-centric or will it work with any Android phone with either Bluetooth or NFC or both ? I am interested in getting one but I don’t think HTC is going to get in on this game.

Daniel Tyson

I get the feeling it’ll be Samsung only, or be severely lacking in features for those with a non-Samsung phone.