Android Kit Kat
The Android themed Kit Kat bars that Google and Nestlé have teamed up to supply as a promotion for the next version of Android to be released, are starting to roll into Australian Woolworths stores now.

Whirlpool user julian-h advised a few hours ago that he had spotted the bars :

Android co-branded Kit Kat bars spotted “in the wild” at Woolworths Ashgrove (Brisbane). I guess the publicity campaign will start in earnest pretty soon.

Rob, one of our new writers at Ausdroid was able to head over to the Ashgrove Woolworths in Brisbane and acquire one of the bars for a photo op.

Unfortunately the competition which gives you the chance to win one of 1,000 Nexus 7 16GB Tablets or one of 25,000 $5 Google Play Gift Cards, isn’t open until the 1st of October, and visitors to the redemtption site on the Kit Kat website are greeted with an invitation to come back on that date.
Screenshot 2013-09-24 at 9.32.14 PM

I’ve done a quick search locally and unfortunately the bars are not available as yet. Nestlé has previously advised that the bars are due to arrive in Woolworths stores from the beginning of October but as you can tell from this, you should start checking your local Woolworths stores now.

Source: Whirlpool.
Thanks: Jeni.
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Anybody still seen these around? Trying to buy some for a GDG event next week


Forgot to mention that I’m looking in the Melbourne area

Chris Spencer

Has any human seen them in WA yet? I have a mate in QLD who won a Nexus 7 yesterday, so that is one gone..!

Benedict James

What is the contest like? Is it like codes you can enter ala Coke?

Julian Hardy

Yes, there’s a printed code inside the wrapper, which you enter into the competition website (when it opens on 1 October). Prizes for the Australian give-away are 1,000 x 16 GB Nexus 7s (2013 models, I assume!), and 25,000 x $5 Google Play credit vouchers. When I saw them in the Ashgrove Woolworths yesterday (Tuesday), they only had the standard (“classic” chocolate) 45 g 4-finger blocks with Android co-branding, and they were just sitting in the racks in the confectionery aisle along with all the other Kit Kats, at standard pricing. I assume all of the other flavours and bar… Read more »

Benedict James

Cool. Thanks for the info. They don’t seem to have started here in the WA

Satwik Kamatmehbro

how much were they? more expensive than usual? 🙂


I got mine at Woolworths in Vermont, Victoria. It seemed someone had already been rooting through the box as they were very messy and many broken… unless someone dropped the box…


What’s the shape for Kitkat? Android or just normal?

Daniel Tyson

Standard Kit Kat but with Android themed packaging. The Android shaped Kit Kats were given away on the Kit Kat Facebook page last week.


I was disappointed with the winners of that. One or two good ones, but the rest were pretty poor 🙁


That comp give-away should have been on Google+ and not Farcebook.


Anyone who still thinks Nexus devices are for developers only is hugely mistaken. With consumer focused campaigns like this, Android and the Nexus brand are clearly going mainstream.


MMMMMM Nom Nom Kit Kats