
A mysterious new ASUS tablet has popped up at the FCC overnight, leading to speculation that it could be the new Transformer Pad, reports Engadget.

The filing for the tablet, given the model name TF502T, seems to in line with previous Transformer tablets released by the company, though sadly the filing doesn’t go into great detail with the only confirmed parts stating the device will come with 802.11n WiFi, Bluetooth and NFC at the very least.

The timing of the filing course matches the leaked ASUS roadmap and strategy revealed in August, in which we saw several new devices. Of course, it also comes on the back of the recently launched ASUS PadFone Infinity.

We’ll be looking for more details about this mystery device, but it will certainly be interesting to see whether the device is confirmed by ASUS and when it will be released to the market.

Are you interested in the Transformer Pad? Let us know in the comments!

Source: FCC.
Via: Engadget.
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The only thing that could get me to buy another Transformer would be if it was a Nexus product designed by Google. My Transformer Infinity (original) is without a doubt THE worst Android device I have ever used. It is the only Android device I completely regret purchasing. That said, I still love the concept of the form factor. Keyboard dock with a battery, Full sized USB and full sized SDXC in addition to the MicroSDXC and HDMI ports on the tabet itself made it almost perfect in theory. But I got a crack across the screen on day simply… Read more »


Could it be the Nexus 10?


Wasn’t Asus making the new Nexus 10?

Alexei Watson

yep – maybe even with a TF number, who knows?