
Unsurprising to well, anyone really… Samsung are said to be continuing their self proclaimed dominance over the Android platform and developing their own competitor devices to Google Glass that will be known as “Gear Glass”.

Eldar Murtazin, Editor-in-chief at Mobile Review tweeted not only the name of the device but also an expected time to market for the device.

The name “Gear Glass” fits in with the wearable technology that Samsung have already announced, being the Galaxy Gear smartwatch.

It’s important to note that Samsung have not officially announced the deivce or even acknowledged its possible existence at this time. We know that Google Glass explorer edition are already out there in the hands of developers, as are head mounted wearable computing devices like it from various manufacturers, it will be fascinating to see if Samsung can beat them to market with their own take on wearable tech.

Are you waiting for Google Glass or will you consider a Samsung alternative?

Source: Eldar Muratzin twitter.
Via: 9to5 Google.
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Samsung is unbelievable.

Sean Royce

Worthless comment.


Did I hurt your Samsung apologist feelings?

Sean Royce

I don’t even own a Samsung phone.


Another possible name that comes to mind would be Galaxy Glass.


What about something remotely original that doesn’t freeload off the ideas of another company, just for once?


What other possibly useful, wearable, smart device accessories for smartphones can you come up with?


I was actually referring to the name. I don’t think Google has the right to own the entire head mounted hardware market, but I do think Samsung could’ve exercised at least a slither of originality with their product name (provided the reports of the name are correct).


Then maybe the Samsung device could be called the Galaxy Gear Vision


Well it could be called anything but point is it looks like it’s going to be called the Gear Glass which is an enormous rip off of Google.

Tim Cookie

Totally agree. I would’ve thought Glass is trademarked by Google???


Samsung is pushing their relationship with Google to the absolute limit. This could be a breaking point.