Thor - The Dark World
With the new Marvel movie Thor: The Dark World sliding into cinemas this week, Gameloft yesterday launched their newest movie tie-in game based on the movie in to Google Play (as well as iOS).

The game is based on the movie, and follows the storyline from the movie, so yoรบ’ll be racing to stop Malekith, the lord of the Dark Elves who is leading a revolt to destroy the Nine Realms!

It’s a Hack and slash adventure which will see you fighting as Thor with other heroes of Asgard by your side, such as Sif, Heimdall and the Warriors Three or with up to 7 types of ‘Einherjar’ that you can summon to fight your way your way through villians from the film like Jotun,
Marauders, Rock Giants, Dark Elves and more..

There’s different battle types, including a social arena where you can challenge your friends, or other players, with both Friends Leaderboards and a weekly leaderboard, both of which offer unique rewards for top places.

It’s free to play, which of course means ‘Freemium’ so you can purchase upgrades to like upgrading Thor’s hammer or different ‘Super Skills’ like teleportation and healing.

Thor: The Dark World, requires a minimum of Android 2.3 or above to install and at 1.6GB to download, you’d better have a spare bit of space on your device. It’s available now on Google Play.

Thor: The Dark World – The Official Game

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