Qik Video app logo

Qik, the social video sharing app, has overnight announced that its services will be shutting down from 30 April 2014.

Qik, which was purchased by Skype/Microsoft 3 years ago, has lived on as a standalone app since the purchase, however Microsoft has announced that Qik’s features have finally folded into Skype, meaning there’s no reason to offer a duplicate product.

Qik have stated that users should download their videos, as these videos won’t be saved past the April 30th closure. If you have received a video through VideoMail within the Qik app/service, the company did state that these video’s from VideoMail may not be able to be downloaded and saved sadly. Only the original sender of the VideoMail videos can save and download these video files directly.

If you are a premium member of Qik there is some good news for you. Premium users will get a refund for any service past April 30th that they have already paid for.

Qik have posted a few frequently asked questions about the closure and if you are a member of the Qik service or know someone who is, you might want to click on the links below to find out more about the pending closure.

Source: Qik Support.