Humble Bundle App
If you’re a fan of a bargain, then you’re probably familiar with the Humble Bundle website, it’s a site where you can usually grab quite a few good deals on apps (games), books, comics, music and more. The Humble Bundle site has had an Android app, which has been in Beta for some time, but it’s now exited beta, with a brand new look and some new features.

The app has had some fancy new UI work done, with an updated nav drawer, newer icons for the download buttons and you can now see all your ebook and music to download as well. The nav drawer has a very holo look to it, with a new space at the top showing off the account username (or email address if you haven’t added one), it also seems to have a space for a profile pic, although I can’t seem to find where to upload one in the Humble Bundle website.

The main interface which is a list of your Humble Bundle goodies has a nice cards interface, although the spacing between cards is a little over-done. Overall, it looks a million bucks, and a great update from their Beta release. There’s a Tablet interface, as well as a phone interface, but don’t expect too much.


From the Nav drawer, you’re given options to list your Games, Audio and Ebooks, there is also sections to let you quickly access installed games from your list and see updates for games as they’re made available. Functionality wise, the Audio section unfortunately lumps in your Audio Books with your Game Soundtracks, but you can now access them, which is a massive plus, as is the ability to access ebooks.

It’s a decent update, and if you want to test it out, now is a great time to do it. Head over to the Humble Bundle website, where you can pick up nine games in the Humble Bundle Mobile 6 bundle for as little as US$4.53.

The app was not found in the store. 🙁
Source: Google Play.
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    The new one is pretty buggy though. Hopefully they’ll get that improved.