Cotton Glass with Curve Frames
Glass has had an interesting week, it went live on Google Play in the US, meaning availability is getting broader, at least in its home territory and now a new update has been released by Google.

The update includes a couple of updates which will alleviate some annoyances for current Glass explorers, that of slow Google Now card updates. Glass owners will now see updates for Flight updates, as well as sports scores ‘within a few seconds’.

As a Google property, lack of Waze integration on Glass has been a puzzler, but that too is rectified in the XE21.0 release with Waze integration now showing accident indicators, which will ‘help you avoid potential traffic.’
Glass Waze

The update has been announced, but according to Google, it may take up to a week to receive the update. Keep checking Google Play, Glass fans, it could arrive there one day.

Source: Glass Support.
Via: Android Police.