
Everything we think we know about the physical design of HTC’s forthcoming One M9 “Hima” flagship could be false – an elaborate ruse perpetrated by the manufacturer to foil leakers and to allow the phone to be tested in public. HTCSource claims that HTC has duped us all, putting decoy M9 units that look remarkably similar to last year’s M8 into the hands of their partners around the world.

If true, this could mean that all the leaks and information we’ve seen thus far have simply been these test decoy units. They’re said to be M9 inside but look like the M8 outside, which matches our existing leaks. Evan Blass also surmises that this could point to HTC attempting to surprise everyone with retail sales through some channels on the day of the announcement.

What can we expect to see, then? According to HTCSource, we can expect an edge-to-edge glass panel on the front, with HTC’s signature BoomSound speakers relegated to slits at the top and bottom of the front face — this sounds like the design seen on the Nexus 9. They’re also claiming a large, centrally-positioned front-facing camera, which might conflict with the top speaker or make the phone taller to accomodate both in the top bezel. HTC certainly hasn’t shied away from releasing tall phones in the past couple of years, with the extra space taken by their speakers and the company’s logo accounting for an extra few cm on the phone when set against its peers.

We’re just over a month out from the big reveal – perhaps the real M9 will make itself known in that time.

Source: HTCSource.
Via: Phandroid.
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Glad to read this!!!


Well that’s refreshing to hear. I made a comment previously, disappointed with HTC for having the design too similar to the M8 and ‘phoning in’ the design this year. Would be glad to have that disappointment washed away and the M9 having a distinct and different design from both the M7 and M8. Also Jason, HTC Source say that the speakers will be on the edges of the *display*, something like the Desire 826 rather than the Nexus 9 (which as the speakers at the top and bottom of the device). The central camera won’t conflict with the speaker –… Read more »


Some good HTC trolling after the extensive leaks last year, where we already knew everything about the device before it was launched