Humble Mobile Bundle 10 - Extras
The Humble Mobile Bundle 10 has been running for a week now and that means it’s time to add some games.

The Humble Mobile Bundle 10 has added three new games this morning, adding them at the premium level which means you’ll have to have paid above the premium price of US$3.89 to grab them. The games added this morning are Sorcery!, The Tiny Bang Story, and iPollute! which are new titles in addition to Sorcery! 2, King of Dragon Pass, and OTTTD.

If that premium price is too rich for your blood, you can of course grab Doodle Kingdom, LYNE, and Buddy & Me? for as much as you want to pay. Payment can be made through Credit Card, PayPal, Amazon payment, Google Wallet and BitCoin, with an option to break your payment up between the Humble Bundle folks, the Developers and two charities: Extra Life / Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and the World LAN trust.

Head on over to the Humble Bundle Mobile website to check it out now.

Source: Humble Bundle Mobile.
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    Rob De Mon

    Bought the bundle for Sorcery2 since already had Sorcery1 from a previous bundle, so not impressed by it being added. Still good value for $4 though.