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We know the Android 5.0 Lollipop update for Sony’s Xperia range isn’t too far away, as we’ve seen it landing in India recently. However, more interestingly for us, we now have a timeframe for arrival here in Australia, thanks to Telstra’s software updates page.

It looks as if mid-April is the timeframe, so a few weeks yet, but come 13 April, we should have some Lollipop-flavoured goodness arriving, at least for Telstra-sold Xperia Z3’s (like mine!).

Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 6.46.24 am

At this stage, the update is only listed for those three handsets – the Xperia Z3 and Z3 Compact, and Xperia Z2. While the update had earlier been announced for a slightly wider range of handsets, only this smaller subset are scheduled for the mid-April delivery. The others may follow a little after, to allow Sony to keep its commitment to recent customers of the latest flagship, before extending support to owners of older devices.

The news isn’t much better for Vodafone customers unfortunately, with their software update from 5 March advising that the software update hadn’t been received for testing, though it seems probable that if Telstra are to have an update around mid April, then Vodafone might not be far behind (or ahead) of that. Let’s hope!

Source: Telstra Community - OS UpdatesVodafone - OS Updates.
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I got the update for my Z2 tablet a month ago yet I’m still waiting for my Z2 mobile. This is getting silly.

Sarfaraz Shaikh

Which part of India did lollipop landed may I know…. I’m staying in mumbai and I had purchased xperia z3 two months ago…. From that point I’m hearing that lollipop is gonna come March…. And now it’s only two days left…

Neil Naessens

I kind of get fed up with the whole thing. I bought my Xperia Z3 when Lollipop had already been rolled out, ffive months or so ago and it seems somewhat silly that Sony has found it so difficult to step up to the plate. A friend of mine in Canada got his update somewhere ion November, I think.

Greg Blackshaw

I’ve got a Z1 Compact unlocked from Kogan.
Has anyone heard rumblings on when the update will work it’s way down to the Z1s?


I haven’t heard, but I’d expect late April at the earliest.


For the first time ever, I’m not sure if I want an update. My Z3C is still running just as beautifully as when I got it months ago. If there’s any lingering Lollipop bugs I’d rather Sony didn’t bother.

Adrian Mace

You really, REALLY want this update. The re-code based on the ART runtime will make this phone fly.


It already flies. What else is there?


There are also significant changes to Sony’s UI, which I suspect is what caused the delay. LG and HTC didn’t change their IU much, although Sense 7 will bring changes to the M8.


I’m keen to see them modernise it. It definitely needs a fresh coat of paint. Do you have it already?


You forgot about my favourite part of it, chance of RAW image capture and also Saving Apps to SD (10GB doesn’t do it)


I’m not that keen to spend time in post production, manually tweaking RAW files.

I much prefer to allow the ISP and clever software algorithms to do all that in a split second.

But if RAW editing is your thing then I’m happy for you. Enjoy!

All my large size apps (games) live on my tablet. I do think a 32GB Z3C would be good for those who need heaps of app storage.

If you’re gonna save large sized games to SD I hope you have a fast card.


hoping will just go to 5.1

Phill Edwards

Any idea when an update will be available for Z3 Tablet Compact, non carrier (bought from Sony store)?


Hi Phil! Sorry, I don’t know about the update but I’m wondering what you think of the Z3 TC. I’ve been thinking of getting one for a while but there isn’t much in the way of comment out there, especially from Australians.

My 2013 Nexus 7 is struggling to keep pace these days. Do you find the Tablet Compact to be a speedy performer. Any other feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!

Phill Edwards

Hi Geoff, I love it. It’s fast, no lag, good battery life, not too much bloatware, great screen, waterproof, light. Only criticism is it’s 16:9 aspect ratio can be a little narrow at times… but then I knew that when I bought it and most other tablets are the same. But it’s been so good it makes me consider a Sony for my next phone.


I have a Z3 Compact. It is a superb phone. I highy recommend it. Sounds like the Tablet Compact is great too. Thanks for your thoughts Sir!


The good thing about sony is that its very easy to flash roms from other regions without having to unlock bootloader or root.

im still waiting for lollipop on my unlocked note4, so i guess we are going to be last.


Can you expand on this please? I’d like to know how to do this


Queue next weeks announcement: The lollipop update has been withdrawn by Telstra/Sony to focus on bringing a 5.1 update at a later date.


Ha. It’s taken Sony over six months to even announce the 5.0 update. Imagine how long it would take them to release 5.1.

Daniel Tyson

They’ve already released Binaries for 5.1 for their AOSP project http://developer.sonymobile.com/knowledge-base/open-source/open-devices/list-of-devices-and-resources/ Sony delivers pretty quickly.

Jack Lassen

I wouldn’t trust the Telstra update schedule they have no issues delaying for months and sometimes years.


The official generic Australian firmware for the Z2 is available on XDA. I assume it is for the Z3 too. Do yourself a favour and flash it, and you’ll receive the update as soon as it’s released, and not when your carrier decides to approve it.