The original Motorola Moto X will begin receiving Android 5.0 shortly, at least according to one Motorola employee who has confirmed the update is incoming on Google+.

After a number of posts circulated with the rumourt that the Lollipop update for the original Moto X was being soak tested, Luciano Carvalho has advised that the rumours are true. He’s answered a couple of questions about the update to dispell any myths. He has advised that the Moto X will receive Android 5.0.2 but there are no plans at this stage, for an update to Android 5.1 – but he’ll update if this changes. He then spoke about why users get chosen to test the update first etc.

So, it seems that the US will get Lollipop first, but they have been quite fast at rolling the update out to the rest of the world after that. Motorola Australia has advised that Australian stock updates on the same time-frame as India, i.e as soon as you hear an announcement for the Indian market, it’s time to start checking your handsets – so that announcement should be along soon, we’ll let you know if we hear anything.

Source: +Luciano Carvalho.
Via: Android Police.
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My Updater app just updated. It’s coming…


I’m seeing a few around now. Some carriers are offering them as cheap options. If you’re after a cheap phone it’s the best phone out there.

It sounds like the phone is a classic case of being a pain to upgrade stably. I’m glad they’ve figured it out finally. I’ve been happy with KitKat and glad I didn’t get a buggy update.