Sony Xperia
The launch for the Sony Xperia Z4 must be rapidly approaching with more and more leaks appearing every day. Today there’s a new leak which shows off the handset in all the possible angles you could want.

The admittedly quite clear pictures, show the Xperia Z4 in a set of six photos with the handset photographed from top, bottom, left, right and front and back. The pictures show the phone has a single port on the left hand side covered by a flap where we hope both a SIM card slot and microSD card slot reside.

The rear of the phone appears to still be made of glass, something of an issue for many smartphone fans wary after experiences with such devices. The phone itself shows very little in the way of new design flourishes, but has been refined a little from the Z3.

Notably there’s not a flap or port cover in sight as we’ve seen on previous Xperia Z series phones with IP ratings, but this could be an early prototype or incomplete testing unit.

When the phone will launch isn’t clear but it’s looking pretty good.

Via: XperiaBlog.
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Sony fan

no infrared remote? grrr Sony…


1. is it just me or does it look large? its hard to know how big the person holding it hands are but if I mimic that hold on a 5″ device my thumb is near the top. 2. what is that additional bottom port on the left of the micro usb? 3. no pogo pins, is this the first wireless charging Sony Z phone? 4. could the lack of flaps just mean they are using the more expensive waterproof open sockets? if this is a SD 810, 5.2″ (max) 1080p, 32gb, wireless charging iteration of the Z3 im buying… Read more »


That additional bottom “port” could be the slot for a hand strap or lanyard. It’s present on my Z3C, and in approximately the same location, so I think that’s what it is.


Thanks Kenny.