We all hate passwords, changing them, remembering them, using them; and Google hates passwords too. But they’re also in favour of getting rid of other methods of encryption like fingerprint scanners and pin codes – and replacing it all with ‘you’ as the password.

The new project, called Project Abacus, is aimed at replacing all the current forms of passwords with a system which seems to be based on the old Face Unlock from Android – but with a few more extras thrown in.

In the demo video shown, subjects from more than 19 universities, were tested over the course of 90 days, to gather data – which filled 40TB’s, three clusters and a LOT of power to host and crunch – which is used to make Project Abacus up to 10 times more secure than a password.

There’s not much more information on Project Abacus at this stage, but with that sort of security, without a password, we’d love to see more as soon as possible.

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Mark Corlson

Google have a lot of Projects in the works.