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Last year, Samsung Australia and the Foundation for Young Australians (FYA), launched a movement, aimed at encouraging app development in young people across Australia. This year, Samsung Adappt is back, with this years focus on ‘Big Ideas’ and their first app concept winner has been announced.

The first app winner is called In The Zone, and it’s aimed at helping young people with mental health issues to express their feelings. The app will include a number of tools to help achieve this, as well as providing information on local mental health resources and services. The main focus of the app is a drawing tool, people can use to draw their mood, which can then be shared with their peers. They will also be able to track their mood changes.

As with all the Samsung Adappt winners, the app is at concept stage, but some concept drawings of the app have been included on the app page on the Samsung Adappt website.

Samsung is looking for apps based on ‘Big Ideas’, ideas which address ‘local, national or global social or environmental issues’ with In The Zone is the first of five app ideas winners to be announced. Samsung Adappt is taking app concepts up until the 30th of September, with app winners announced throughout the year, at the end of which a two-day boot camp will be held in Melbourne, where all winners will be able to attend and work with digital agencies, where work will begin on having their app concept developed into a fully-fledged prototype.

The Samsung Adappt program launched on April 17th, and Samsung wants to hear your opinion about all the entries. Each Month, Samsung is giving away a Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5” ‘to the app idea with the most Likes based on our criteria of Social Change, Innovation, User Experience + Storytelling’. To gauge this, they’re using Facebook to track ‘Likes’, so you’ll have to jump onto the Samsung Adappt website, peruse the apps and ‘Like’ the one you think addresses those categories.

If you think YOUR app has what it takes – and you’d like a shot at grabbing a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.5 as well – then go to the Samsung Adappt website and check out the terms and conditions (it’s open to Australians aged between 12-25), and then enter your app concept.

Source: Samsung Adappt.