Drive for Office

For heavy users of Google Drive who are still required (or forced) to use Microsoft Office due to any number of reasons, life just got a lot easier. Google’s latest plugin will allow you to work on your documents from the MS Office platform and maintain your storage in the cloud. The new plugin from Google allows you to open or save your MS Office documents in Google Drive without the need to leave the Office platform or download the document to your PC, work on it locally then upload it back to your Drive.

Drive for office installed

For users who are spread across multiple platforms, this is a massive leap forward in the interconnectivity of cloud and local storage for work purposes and offers a massive convenience to everyone. Its easy to download, easy to install and use so grab the plugin and give it a go.

Is this plugin a missing link that you’ve needed between working locally on your machine and the cloud?

Source: Google Drive Blog.
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Nice! I’ll be downloading this then.


I’m liking the sound of this plugin!