
Market research and analytics firm Strategy Analytics has released their quarterly analysis of global mobile handset shipments showing Huawei has overtaken Microsoft’s handset division to become the third largest supplier of mobile phones worldwide.

Huawei increased their market share to an all-time high of 7%, up from 4.8%  in the same quarter last year. The Chinese OEM has been expanding both their product range and markets in recent years, including expanding their presence in Australia with initiatives such as the Experience Zone stalls in major shopping centres and sponsorship of the Canberra Raiders. Samsung is still on top of the chart at 20.5%, down from 22.3%, Apple is stable in second place with 10.9%, up from 8.2%, Microsoft has dropped to fourth with 6.4%, a big drop from 11.8% and another Chinese OEM Xiaomi rounds out the top five list at 4.6%, up from 3.5%. 

For those counting along at home that leaves a remaining 50.6 % of the global market for the amalgamated “others” which includes names such as LG, HTC and Sony. Strategic Analysis also noted that the rate of growth in the Mobile market year-over-year has dropped to only 2%, down from 7% last year. They attribute this to a slowing in demand for handsets in China, Europe and the US.

Market results

Huawei shipped an impressive 30.6 million handsets in the quarter which is a 50% rise year-over-year. As Huawei’s star continues to rise it will be interesting to see if the global markets continue to shift in favour of the lower cost Chinese OEMs, particularly if they continue to deliver more premium and high end devices and accessories. With Huawei launching their latest hardware such as the P8 and Honor 4X in the Australian market, their expanding retail presence in Australia and the rumours of Huawei manufacturing a future 5.7″ Nexus phone we could anticipate seeing Huawei’s brand continue to grow in Australia.

What do you think Huawei needs to deliver to go toe-to-toe with the big boys in the mobile market?

Source: Strategy Analytics.
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I am surprised Microsoft was the third one. Shocked

George Lu

Just bought a Huawei P8 for Mrs :). Very happy

vijay alapati

huawei….looks like the brand we are going to hear a lot moving forward since they are coming up with a nexus