

2015 has been the year where Android phones have finally caught up to the iPhone in terms of camera quality, but they haven’t stopped there. In the Samsung Galaxy S6 and LG G4, I would argue, there are cameras better than what’s in the humble iPhone, and that trend is only continuing now. Google has made some big claims about the cameras inside the upcoming Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P, and not for the usual “we’ve got more megapixels”, but more “our pixels are bigger and work better”.

We weren’t able to test the low-light shooting capabilities of the Nexus range in San Francisco a couple of weeks ago, but we’re told it is better, and now we don’t just have to take Google’s word for it. Someone in China appears to have gotten their hands on a Nexus 6P a bit early, and the first thing he’s done is taken some low-light comparison shots between his iPhone 6 and the Nexus 6P, and he’s posted the results to Reddit.

Take a look through the comparison shots, and let us know what you think. I think the results speak for themselves.

These photos do quite obviously show the Nexus 6P performs better in the situations show, but the question to really answer is whether it will be a better all-round camera. As we’ve seen in other devices, the Sony Xperia Z5 can best the Samsung Galaxy S6 in some situations, but in others, it’s left wanting. Once we get out hands on the Nexus 6P, we’ll know exactly how good that camera really is.

It won’t be long now!

Source: Reddit.
Via: Phandroid.
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Nexus 5X had just beaten iPhone 6s in
fingerprint scanner speed test,
as tested by SupersafTV.

Fernando De Leon

wonder how it iwll be with the iphone 6s which has better camera than the 6
(which is 1yr old)

Phillip Molly Malone

Better low light will be great. If it also take good full light, I don’t mind if its not the best! Most of my photos are taken inside anyway!


Well that’s promising. Hope to see more daylight pictures though. While night time performance is night, I do most photos in the day time.


There really isn’t anything in the iPhone 6s to help with capturing images in low light. If anything, it seems they’ve gone backwards. The iPhone 6 had 1.5 micron pixels while the 6s has 1.2 – less light gathering capability! I thought they would use a faster, brighter lens as a mitigation. This is what LG and Samsung have done so effectively with f/1.8 and f/1.9 respectively. The 6s has kept f/2.2 which is the same as the previous model. I expected Apple to move to f/2.0 like many others in the industry. The latest and greatest from Sony, Motorola… Read more »

Fernando De Leon

OIS is there on the 6s+


Correct, it’s on the bigger plus models. We’re referring to the smaller phone here (6) as that’s what the redditor used.


These look very encouraging. I wonder if they’re on auto mode or setting have been tweaked? That’s a pretty important differentiator in the same way that most have said the S6 is the best point and shoot, while the G4 has better potential due to settings control etc.