Google Australia
End of year time is a time for looking back on the year that was, and YouTube ads are a big part of YouTube’s business. Google Australia has put together a play list of Australia’s favourite YouTube ads from 2015.

The list of ads has been put together using ‘an algorithm that factors in organic and paid views, watch time and also audience retention’. The top 10 ads feature ads from Pandora, Clash of Clans, Honda and two entries from Air New Zealand. According to Google our YouTube watch time up 60% since last year, so if you’re watching ads, you’re probably seeing them on YouTube (Come-on YouTube Red!).

The list is pretty good, with ads ranging right up to over five minutes in length, so best set aside a good block of time to appreciate them all.

Source: Google Australia blog.
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    I’m going to watch these over and over again. Just can’t get enough ads! Love me some ads! Keep the ads coming! One day, I hope, the world will only be inhabited by ads.