
Viber is one of the most popular third party messaging applications available, with its true cross platform capability for Android, iOS, Windows phone and desktop options (Windows, Mac and Linux) its easy to see why. Another driver for their success is the continued growth and refinement of the functionality of the application and with the latest update comes a number of improvements to current features

  • More detailed info in group chats – see which of your friends have read and liked any message
  • Camera improvements for video
  • New Message Pop – no longer interrupts you when you’re in another app.

Which are all great news but there’s even more for anyone who regularly uses the desktop app and Chrome Browser with a new Chrome plugin to share links or quotes from webpages at the touch of a button. As simple as highlighting a block of text you wish to share, or simply hitting the Viber phone at your extension bar you can then share to any of your contacts instantly.

Rakuten Viber Messenger
Rakuten Viber Messenger
Developer: Viber Media
Price: Free

What is your preferred third party messaging program?

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Is that a Galaxy S2 and an HTC OneX? ….


HTC Sensation i think… similar vintage to the S2,
It had these curved glass edges so at the edge they were higher than the main screen (when face down stuff flush with the display)… i so wanted one to replace my Desire (i think it was HTCs first qHD display

Phill Edwards

I uninstalled Viber a few months ago as I got sick of their constant spamming – usually about stickers (whatever they are, but who cares!). Moved to WhatsApp instead.